The Church of SCBWI
Kid Lit Saves/Opportunity Knocks
Hi there! I'm back from my post-conference blogging break. To those of you who didn't follow my updates on facebook and twitter during the SCBWI Conference earlier this month, I do apologize. I don't have time to go into all of the speakers again, but I will try to come back to them in future posts. This is mostly a catchup post.
What an AMAZING opportunity this was for me and the 1000+ others who attended! My days went a little like this....
Arrive at the Hyatt, quickly prepare cup of tea, and sit down to listen to an amazing speech by one of many amazing keynote speakers. Stand in line at ladies room and exchange business cards and pleasantries. Find a new seat or spot on floor to hear yet another great speech. Repeat line waiting routine. Move to a smaller room for the "workshop" of my choosing depending on whether I wanted to hear from an illustrator, writer, editor, agent, etc. Break for lunch. Two more speeches. One more "workshop". Another speech. And then off to the social activities of pizza parties, book sales/signings, hippie dance, chapter meetings....
Can I just say how delightfully exhausting it was to know that no matter who you happened to sit, stand, dance, wait, or dine next to, you always had something to talk about. By the end I was overflowing with inspiration and just wanted to lock myself in a room and draw/write. But...
I missed my Sweet P too much and knew that was not an option.
I have done what I could to keep the creativity flowing. I have joined a local illustrators online critique group to inspire me to continue to put out my best work and to look at my work and others' in a questioning way. I have also joined
The Illosphere, a site specifically for SCBWI illustrators with fun weekly challenges that just keep the pencil moving.
Another thing happened quite by chance and forgive me if I get longwinded here. Just Thursday after my return, I had a friend refer a local book agent my way. He was looking to pair some illustrations with a manuscript he was presenting to a publisher and art director the next Monday. I received the story on Friday, but between my decorative painting work, family, and painting signs for a friend's wedding, I was left with one day to complete something...anything. Then on top of that, the agent calls to invite me to attend the meeting with him. So I really have to produce something now. I work until 2am sketching, copying, cutting, and pasting. I do not at all claim this to be my best work, but my goal was somewhere around "Don't embarrass yourself, Carrie!"
Property of Carrie Cartier copyright 2012 |
Again, I am feeling so honored and blessed at the opportunities coming my way. I have no expectations about this piece, but I was given a chance to listen to an agent and publisher at work. That is priceless. They also happened to be very nice men and I did not embarrass myself. In parting, they left with my sample illustrations for the agent's submission, business cards, and my own manuscript.
I'll talk more about my manuscript later, but for now I will just say that I am in that waiting place.... and just so happy to be in the game!