Sunday, April 28, 2013

Rooms That Rock 4 Chemo- Oakland Children's Hospital

Last weekend was a fun one for me.  I had the amazing volunteer opportunity to paint and spread some love at the same time. This opportunity came from a fantastic organization that will from now on be close to my heart Rooms That Rock 4 Chemo and another talented decorative painter and illustrator Melka Myers.  Melka designed this fun "Tropical Lagoon" private room and bathroom, which now resides at Children's Hospital Oakland.  Her diligent preparation of stencils and colors allowed us, with the help of a number of other volunteers (particularly Forest Aliya and Danielle Billingsley), to complete the process in only two days.
To give you a better scope of the project, the entire second floor of the Outpatient wing of Oakland Children's Hospital Hematology/Oncology department was shut down for the weekend for dozens of artists, designers, carpenters, and big hearted people of all walks of life to bring a little color, creativity, and cheer to this place of survival and healing.
Please take a moment to check out RTR4C and help them rock some more rooms in San Salvador.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Milestones or maybe just pebbles

Today has been fun and exciting in my little world.  I climbed over the mountainous obstacle that is Photoshop and finished a long overdue project.  Step one came this past week.  I decided to start working in a larger scale a while back, but encountered a problem when it came to getting them scanned and into my computer for cleanup and sharing.  I like to use local copy centers, but found that most do not have the equipment capable of scanning larger items.  Some will put it together digitally for you, but this can be expensive.  I settled on Kinkos for $3.99 a square foot and they did a fine job, though I did have to leave my work with them overnight.
Once my work was available in digital form, it needed a little spit and polish to smooth out the blemishes.  I sat down at the computer ready to work and stood up an hour later with nothing accomplished.  Whatever I had learned before had magically "poofed" away, as my daughter would say.  Over the weekend, in a moment of desperation, I offered to pay a friend just to get these finished.  She kindly declined my money and invited me to work at her house today, so that she could be on-hand to answer questions and get me moving again.  With a few reminders, quick fixes, and simply talking through a myriad of options for accomplishing any one task, I got the hang of it.  With a few solid hours of work, my illustrations were completed.  We may have to have a repeat to get me rolling in Adobe Illustrator again.  Adding text in an artful manner is a true skill in itself.  Thank you, Nikki, for your help and the inspiration that comes with spending an afternoon with another creative individual.  Priceless.
I was also inspired to tackle some rewrites on my story picturing the balloon and the little girl and another I've been working on lately.  It had been so hard when first suggested, but a few months in the drawer helped it to feel like a natural progression.  So with two new stories and two new page spreads complete, I feel pretty good about this week.  And I'm looking forward to more.
So here is what I have to show for this long overdue project.   I can't share the story with you, as it isn't mine to share, but it's charming and I hope that one day you will be able to read it yourself.
Property of Carrie Cartier Copyright 2013

Property of Carrie Cartier Copyright 2013

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Happy New Year: Part 2

 A few more fun examples of all the painting drawing and loving experienced over the last few months.
Collage made for my mother-in-law using a small autographed
painting by illustrator Melissa Sweet
Love the dog
Love the family



Thrift shop cherry cabinet
Bronze Antiqued credenza
for private client

Warm golden glazed wall at Quince in SF, CA

Another shot of Quince's elegant dining room
contracted for Philippe Grandvoinet Decorative Finishes

Faux woodgrain on paneling, cabinet, and patched
contracted for Philippe Grandvoinet Decorative Finishes

Happy New Year

So it is a new year, though this post comes closer to the Chinese New Year.  Time to catch up and get back at it.  I was beginning to get down on myself because of the lull in illustration activity on my part, thus the dead air concerning this blog.  There just hasn't been time.  I know I know, they say that there is always time if you want it bad enough, but I say prioritize.  If shuffling off to a paying job or caring for your family fills 14 to 15 hours of your day, it gets a little hard to squeeze out those creative juices.  Sleep takes precedent.  Anyway, I realized this blog is called Paint Draw Love.  It doesn't always have to be about illustrations.  I have been painting and drawing and love love loving.  So I decided to post a little photo recap of the last few months' projects.
Outdated velvet painting with awesome frame
Remove painting and spray frame white

= Great wedding menu for great friends

Raw wood custom nightstand

Becomes elegant bedroom addition
contracted for Philippe Grandvoinet Decorative Finishes

Tedious taping

Fun fresh stripes
contracted for Philippe Grandvoinet Decorative Finishes

Classy bedroom

Classy textured wall finish
contracted for Philippe Grandvoinet Decorative Finishes

Dining Room walls

Beautiful strie'd and waxed finish with silver leave detail
contracted for Philippe Grandvoinet Decorative Finishes


Faux Marble on mantle 

Faux Marble painted over wood mantle
contracted for Philippe Grandvoinet Decorative Finishes
Process shot of composition silver leaf ceiling

Library ceiling: glazed composition silver leaf
contracted for Philippe Grandvoinet Decorative Finishes