Thursday, August 2, 2012

SCBWI Summer Conference 2012

So I am on my way to the conference. Car to train to plane to shuttle to hotel. My dummy book sits next to me in a bag , waiting to be assembled from the pile of papers it is now. I was able to get a slight handle on Photoshop and illustrator.  Thank you again, Nikki! Time got pretty squishy over the last few weeks, which leaves me feeling under-prepared.  I am so very happy to be on my way though.  I am so grateful for all the support that continues to come my way. This book journey is long and after months of preparation, I know that I am still only at the beginning.  I will try to keep you informed over the next few days should anything interesting occur.
My traveling partner, once I reach LAX will be the talented Miss Madelaine Standing.  You can check out her work Adventures in Ink, International on Facebook or her website 
You can also check out the official SCBWI conference blog or Twitter feed to get a general idea of events.
Have a great weekend, I sure will!
I apologise for any mistakes in format or spelling. This is my first blog post via cell phone.


  1. It was wonderful to meet you at the Golden Kite Luncheon. I wish you all the best with your writing and illustration journey! Kirsten Larson

    1. Same to you, Kirsten. I look forward to reading your blog too. Best wishes to you and your boys.
